Webinar Series - Contractual Entitlements - 23 January 2025

Webinar Series - Contractual Entitlements - 23 January 2025

Join us on this 6 part course hosted by Steven C Evans  BSc(Hons) LLB (Hons) FCIArb FAMINZ(Arb) FFAVE(Master) FRICS FCInstCES FCIOB FICE PRI

which will be running as a whole day session

The aim of this 6 part course is to provide an informative and comprehensive understanding of the different areas of contractual entitlements, what types of entitlement can arise and how to deal with them - covering Notices & Records, Variations, Extensions of Time, Loss & Expense and Dispute Resolution.

Part 1: What are Contractual Entitlements

Covering an overview of the types of entitlement that may arise under a contract and the obligations and liabilities which flow therefrom

Part 2: Notices and Records

Explains the importance of notices, consider the different types of notices, and the role proper records have in establishing a contractual entitlement

Part 3: Variations

Provides a general overview of contractual provisions surrounding variations or changes.

Part 4: Extension of Time

The aim of this course is to provide a general overview of contractual provisions surrounding time and extension of time.

Part 5: Loss and Expense

Covering a general overview of contractual provisions surrounding loss and expense, defining loss and expense and how it can be calculated

Part 6: Dispute Resolution

This final course provides a vital overview of the various dispute resolution processes available to the parties to a contract, including identifying when a dispute has arisen and the typical dispute resolution processes available to the parties under a contract

This 6-part course is a mix of free content and premium learning and to access the entire days training, a subscription will be needed prior to the event and the course will then be available on-demand for subscribers only

Part one begins at 9am 23 January 2025 - register for free here

With subscriptions from just £25 per month this is a great way of accessing a library of subjects and training material together with whitepapers, templates and technical helpdesk support    Find out more

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