Webinar Series - JCT 2016 Standard Building Contract   (JCT SBC) 6&7 August 2024

Webinar Series - JCT 2016 Standard Building Contract (JCT SBC) 6&7 August 2024

Join us on this 12 part course hosted by Steven C Evans  BSc(Hons) LLB (Hons) FCIArb FAMINZ(Arb) FFAVE(Master) FRICS FCInstCES FCIOB FICE PRI

which will be running as 2 whole day sessions

The aim of this 12 part course is to provide an thorough understanding of the JCT family of contracts and updates for the 2016 version, and covering communications, roles & responsibilities, documentation, time & progress, insurance, payments and much more – giving a comprehensive overview of the processes.

Part 1: What are JCT contracts? Which contracts comprise the JCT family? Changes from the pre 2016 versions. The types of JCT SBC contracts. The documents that form the contract.

In this first session we will have an overview of the JCT contracts with focus on the SBC and explains the differences between the JCT 2016 SBC contract & understanding the contract documentation 

Part 2: The personalities and communication 

The aim of this course is to understand the different personalities identified in the Contract, along with their roles and responsibilities and methods of communication 

Part 3: Access, subcontracting, instructions and safety

Provides an overview and understanding of the  limits on access to the site by others, the subcontracting process, compliance with instructions and the contractual requirements surrounding safety 

Part 4: Carrying out the work, documentation, quality and defects 

Explains the Contractor’s obligations surrounding the quality of the work, including the scope of works, requirements of workmanship & materials, and the definition of a ‘defect’ and how the contract requires them to be remedied 

Part 5: Possession, progress, completion and lateness

The aim of this session is to provide an overview of how the JCT SCB 2016 deals with time and progress and to understand the obligations of the parties, the definition of completion and the consequences of late completion 

Part 6: Extension of Time

This session explains the extension of time provisions and the need to issue property delay notices, the process to extend the Completion Date and explains the Relevant Events 

Part 7: Insurance

In this session we outline the insurance provisions of the contract to understand the party’s liabilities surrounding insurable risk, the difference between liability and insurance and the various insurances required 

Part 8: Assignment, bonds, warranties, third party rights and termination

This session gives an understanding of the various miscellaneous provisions regarding third parties and termination of the Contractor’s employment 

Part 9: Variations 

Explains the contractual mechanisms dealing with variations, and defining ‘Variation’, ‘variation quotation’ and ‘Valuation Rules’ as terms 

Part 10: Payment

Covers the methods by which the Contractor is paid, defining the Contract Sum, the payment process and how relevant legislation can impact that process 

Part 11: Loss and Expense

 This session outlines the various contractual provisions dealing with reimbursing the Contractor for costs incurred due to delay and disruption

 Part 12: Claims and dispute resolution

This final session in our course explains how to understand how the contract deals with claims and how disputes are resolved. This covers typical matters which can be the subject of a claim, the procedure for taking a claim to the dispute resolution process and outlines the various dispute resolution methods in the contract

This 12-part course is a mix of free content and premium learning and to access the entire suite of training, a subscription will be needed prior to the event and the course will then be available on-demand for subscribers only

Part one begins at 9am 6 August 2024 - register for free here

With subscriptions from just £25 per month this is a great way of accessing a library of subjects and training material together with whitepapers, templates and technical helpdesk support    Find out more

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